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The best option for you

Casa Xtao

Feels like home

Casa Xtao was made to feel like home. It offers its guest comfort and convenience, and welcomes all types of travelers. Whether you’re visiting Huatulco as holidaymakers seeking fun and relaxation, adventurous explorers eager to experience all that the Huatulco area has to offer, newlyweds embarking on a romantic getaway, or business travelers in need of a comfortable stay after a long day of work, Casa Xtao is your ideal destination. Consider Casa Xtao your home away from home, whether it’s for a few days or a few months. We would be delighted to welcome you to our establishment.

Our Accommodations

Casa Xtao is unique in the area. We are a family hotel featuring 16 spacious rooms that are equipped with more than just the essentials; to ensure your comfort and satisfaction during your stay in Huatulco.


Starting rate $899mx
Includes 1 Queen size bed / 2 guests

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Suite Comfort

Starting rate $1099 mx
Incluye 1 Queen size bed / 2 guests

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Comfort View

Starting rate $999 mx
Incluye 1 Queen size bed / 2 guests

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Services during stay


Your body is your temple, pamper it.

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Your body is your temple, pamper it.

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Live an adventure in mexican paradise.

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Live an adventure in mexican paradise.

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Things to do at the bay

Enjoy the great gastronomic culture and natural treasures that Huatulco has for you.

Chahué Beach

Chahué beach is made of fine golden sand that remains wet due to strong sea waves, where you can enjoy extraordinary afternoons. This beach is recognized for achieving world excellence in Blue Flag certified beaches.

Santa Cruz Beach

On Santa Cruz beach is the cruise ship pier, which receives more than 70 cruise ships a year, as well as the pier and the Port Captaincy, where you can take trips to the wonderful bays, it has several restaurants and a market handicrafts.

La Entrega Beach

On La Entrega beach, you can find numerous restaurants and enjoy a variety of water activities, including snorkeling. This experience is wonderful because one of the coral reefs with the largest number of species and extension is distributed.

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